The PRB research laboratories recognize Dr. Arenas-Hernandez in July for her contributions

The Research Laboratories of the Perinatology Research Branch recently recognized Dr. Marcia Arenas-Hernandez for her extraordinary contributions to the success of the team.

Marcia Arenas-Hernandez, MSc, PhD
Laboratory Manager
Maternal-Fetal Immunobiology & Translational Science and Biomarkers Units
Perinatology Research Branch, NICHD, NIH, DHHS


Marcia Arenas-Hernandez was born in Mexico. Her mother, aunt, and grandmother raised her and supported her. Her grandmother, a nurse, told stories that gave insight to science and healthcare at an early age. As a child, she had many aspirations but knew she wanted to help people. Marcia earned her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a focus in Bacteriology & Parasitology from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City. Volunteering at the National Institute of Perinatology in Mexico City, she witnessed many preterm infants in the NICU fighting for their lives and this further motivated her future studies and career goals. Marcia was determined to work in a research laboratory related to pregnancy.

She worked in the pharmaceutical industry upon completion of her bachelor’s degree. Marcia attended the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City for her master’s degree in Biomedicine and Molecular Biotechnology. She learned while pursuing her master’s degree, that the maternal-fetal immunologist who she met at the National Institute of Perinatology, was opening her lab at Wayne State University. Marcia earned the opportunity to join Dr. Gomez-Lopez’s laboratory and became the first international intern. Dr. Gomez-Lopez and Marcia worked closely to set up several animal models, allowing the exploration of the role of T cells during preterm labor and birth. Marcia went back to Mexico to earn her master’s degree and returned to the laboratory as a Research Assistant.

While working on different projects as a Research Assistant, Marcia realized that she wanted to pursue her PhD in Maternal-Fetal Immunobiology. Dr. Gomez-Lopez supported Marcia and together they established a collaboration between the CINVESTAV (Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, a Mexican scientific research institution) and Dr. Gomez-Lopez’s laboratory so that Marcia could perform her doctoral studies at WSU/PRB. During the PhD program, Marcia studied the role of T cells in preterm labor and obtained her PhD degree in 2019. Marcia mentioned: “I am grateful to Dr. Gomez-Lopez for her support and for the opportunity to study and work under her guidance, the amount of knowledge and experience received is invaluable.” During her PhD program, Marcia started a family in the US, getting married to her wife. Marcia is thankful to be welcomed in the diverse community that Dr. Gomez-Lopez has established in her laboratory.

Dr. Gomez-Lopez commented that “I have watched Marcia grow both as an individual and a scientist. I am very proud of what Marcia has accomplished and to have her in my team.”

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